Portrait Photography

Portrait photography is one of those areas that I pursue for the love of it. I love getting asked to go out somewhere in the world with my camera bag and a model or client, and just create a little bit of magic. When I climb into my car with my bag, the excitement and the visual part of my mind starts firing.

Portrait sessions for me are a chance to set a theme, a time and an aesthetic and manifest into existence what my mind can visualise and create. That's one of the most rewarding, beautiful things about being a photographer. A sense of creating images when they would never have existed is part of the ephemeral nature of what we do.. It taps into the etherial and impermanent nature of the things, the world, really, in that sense.

As a Hawke's Bay Photographer I have my favourite spots I often go back to but I am always keen to try new places new themes, and meet new people. I'm also happy to experiment. If you want to show a bit of yourself, or even to embody a character that isn't really even you - get in touch and lets see what magic we can create with my portrait photography and your creativity and spark.